We are an industrial lighting manufacturer with broad experience in the production of electrical equipment. Until 2014 we operated under the name POLAM-REM S.A. and since then, as a member of Remontowa Holding S.A., we are Remontowa Lighting Technologies S.A.
Our history:

Start of operations

Joining the POLAM group
Joining the POLAM group (Zjednoczenie Sprzętu Oświetleniowego i Elektromechanicznego POLAM). The group was created on 31st Dec. 1971 and took its name from the group leader Fabryka Żarówek Polam in Pabianice and Kombinat Źródeł Światła UNITRA-Polam (light sources manufacturers). Both companies had functioned in the structures of Zjednoczenie Przemysłu Elektronicznego UNITRA since 1970 also known as Kombinat Techniki Świetlnej Polam. The brand Polam was used by all the group members. In 1989 the Polam group was dissolved, and all the member companies began production under their own brands.

1976 – 1992
Operations under the name ZSO POLAM Gdańsk. Before joining the Remontowa group we produced mainly for the USSR market.

Moving the production process
Moving the production process from several locations to the new premises in Gdańsk.

Privatisation the Remontowa group
Privatisation and joining the Remontowa group, changing the name to Polam-Rem S.A..

Specializing production
Specializing in the production of explosion-proof and heavy industry luminaries.

First ATEX certificate issued for our products

ISO 9001
Implementation of the ISO 9001 Quality Management System.

Improvement of the corporate identity system

The LED age
Implementations of luminaires with LED light source.

Remontowa Lighting Technologies SA
Company name changed to Remontowa Lighting Technologies SA, introduction of the new corporate identity system.

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